Welcome to my future famous website! Feel free to take your time and have a look around. Here are some things that might be of interest:
- Read my BLOG
- Go to the ARCHIVES
- Explore my GOLF adventures
- Jump to a RANDOM entry
- Discover KIFFIN the American hero
- Review my SKILLS
- Contact ME
You can also have a look at my entries by the following categories:
Agile and scrum (14)
Art and culture (20)
Bash (1)
Blogs etc. (93)
Books (56)
C/C++ (2)
California (27)
Childhood (31)
Computers and stuff (111)
Dreams (57)
Family and friends (151)
Films (1)
FreeBSD (42)
Games (4)
Gishtech (7)
Gishteq (41)
Golf (251)
Health and happiness (130)
History (26)
Horoscope (3)
Interapy (5)
Internet (70)
Javascript (28)
Kiffin Rockwell (26)
Life in Holland (124)
Meaning of life (89)
Mind and matter (46)
Miscellaneous (29)
Music (95)
MySQL (3)
Nature and universe (106)
Old age (3)
Parenthood (12)
Perl (67)
Philosophy and poetry (54)
Programming (29)
Psychology (3)
Quotations (24)
Ruby and Rails (1)
Rust (4)
Science and technology (19)
Short fiction (26)
Spiritual (42)
Stanford (4)
SWiSH (21)
Technical stuff (19)
Television (7)
Thought (32)
TomTom (9)
Travel (96)
Trip to America (17)
Ubuntu (12)
Vacation (34)
Videos (5)
Way of life (75)
Web Design (17)
West Yorkshire (11)
Words ad infinitum (12)
Work and play (159)
World affairs (71)
Zarafa (4)
This personal website of mine came to life quite some years ago, to be more precise I started it exactly 7-21-2001 ago.
A nice Dutch windmill.