Wanna hear a really funny story?
Well, in the morning I was hastily working behind my computer trying to get some last-minute work done. Rush, rush, rush. The construction folks were working hard in the garage, hammering, drilling, sawing and other kinds of noises. Rush, rush, rush. Got called a couple of times. Almost done? Finished yet? Yeah, yeah, don't worry. No problem. Rush, rush. Downstairs I heard the front door open, and the workers came in with their overalls on, tramping their dusty boots on the ground. Almost finished? Okay, okay. One more page and it's off we go. Rush, rush...
Click. Black screen. Silence and nothingness. Pure nothingness.
With a shudder I realized what had happened. Oops, sorry about that, the guy yelled up to me. He had been messing around with the electricity, and poof it was done in a second. Something had short-circuited and the electricity had gone out. All gone. Two hours of work, for nothing.
I didn't get mad. I didn't even care. I just chuckled. Am I getting crazy? Or just overly relaxed? Much too relaxed about life. When I walked down the stairs, the poor guy squinted his eyes at me trembling ever so slightly, afraid I was going to beat him up or something. Everything going okay? I asked in an overly friendly tone of voice. Had to go to work (empty-handed).
Well, but that's life. Always so unpredictable that some of us cannot stand it. Not me. I flow with the stream and take it day-by-day.
Too bad I am going to get fired, though.
Oh no. You're not really going to get fired are you? Isn't it nice when you get to the point in your spirituality where you can go with the flow... accept things for what they are instead of fighting, fighting, fighting and trying to control the uncontrollable?
I hope everything turns out okay with the job.
Dude, sorry about the outage, but with your control, perhaps you are a natural for the new show on ABC (US) called "The Chair" where the contestant's heart rate is monitored and they lose money if their rate goes up too high!!!
Hey, congrats on the reader vote for your website at theweblogreview.com... Oh and I love this first post!