Maslow's hierarchy of needs

| Mind and matter | 5 Comments

There was once this guy named Abraham Maslow, and way back in 1943 he devised an interesting theory about human nature. Based on his research, and having read alot of stuff by earlier psychologists like William James, he came up with this pyramid structure that can be viewed as a form of personal development, progressing from the bottom (the starting point) to the top (the ultimate goal). The theory is called the hierarchy of human needs. Before the next stage above can be reached, each progressive stage underneath must first be completed. Each deficiency is detected, dealt with and then removed before progressing to the next level. In fact, all basic human needs are based on the following two universal groupings: deficiency needs and growth needs. These are the levels of the pyramid from lowest to highest:

  1. Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts, etc.
  2. Safety/security: out of danger.
  3. Belonginess and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted.
  4. Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition.
  5. Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore.
  6. Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty.
  7. Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential.
  8. Transcendence: to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential.
This may all sound nice and dandy but is it really true? Well, the interesting result of this so-called model of human behavior is that while there has not been that much hard evidence to support this theory, it has however received worldwide recognition as a usable model in explaining and coaching human growth across cultures and age groups. For me, the bizarre and inspirational fact is simply that such a "symbolic" model is not the least supported by so-called sound empirical facts but can still successfully reflect the way we are or the way we are meant to be. I can accept that without any difficulties.

So tell me, on which level do you now find yourself? I have studied this all very carefully, and I see myself as vacillating between level 4 (41%), level 5 (33%) and level 6 (17%) with the remaining 9% distributed randomly everywhere else. I still have a long ways to go before I occupy level 7 (2.2%) and level 8 (0.3%) on a more regular basis, but that is the ultimate concern (purpose in life) for everyone else including me, myself and I.

So if we are expected to relate this fine theory to a real life situation, then how does one define the keys to success? In other words, in view of the Maslow's pyramid, how are we to avoid the temptations of failure and/or the pitfalls that weigh us down too much by groveling at the lower stages? There is a natural resistance, but once the lower levels are satisfied there is a world of opportunity opened up.

For the real-life situation, I have chosen the concrete example of implementing a successful customer relations mind-set as described in the article The Human Dimension of CRM by Bill Brendler. In this article it is stressed that not all change is technical. In fact, the most important changes are never technical at all; rather the changes take place on the level of perceptions and feelings. One can say that there is a company growth required, fueled by a collective growth of individuals (the employees), a number of phases that must be passed.

There is obviously an excellent match with Maslow's pyramid. First of all, one must move away from the lower, more physical needs in order to adapt and accept external changes. These are satisfied. There is a movement towards a customer-centric attitude, and it is a welcome change that can best be confronted head on. Indeed, it is a phase transition for the whole company, during which management plays a vital role in prioritizing the "human" issues. People resist change because they do not see that it is in their self-interest, the lower levels of the Maslow pyramid. Resistance is the weight that pulls one downwards, but it is not bad. Through growth one recognizes that resistance is typically an energy that can be redirected and geared towards the more noble pursuit of helping customers.

The deficiency needs of the employees are taken care of by the company that provides the basic "physical needs" like the working environment. From here, the growth needs of the individual are fuelled with passion in order to stimulate a customer-centric energy source. In a sense, keeping customers and making them come back again and again means acquiring significant capital gain. After all, customers are humans also and each and every one of them is undergoing the very same pyramidal phase transition.

The key to success is thus matching the internal phase transition within the company with the external growth of the customer with whom one is building a changing and evolving relationship.

Note: this entry was written in the form of an executive summary for a course called "BCR - Building Client Relationships," and covers the topic "What and why of client relationships."


I, as well, have studied this process as it relates to education. In fact my wife and I have currently been in discussions about this and other items pertaining to the progression of a student's ability to learn and apply. It is one of the goals of a great (not all) educator to move students through this pyramid and through all sorts of other stages of learning. To realize a corporation as a living and breathing entity focuses more light on the situation that, indeed, some organizations have not been lead through a proper educational cycle. What is worse is that there are companies that will always feel that they have no need to change the way they think and operate. This is why part of my theory as a manager has been to ensure that my employees are trained in such a way as they could eventually replace me if the need arose. One may see this as employment suicide on my part. But I feel that management should realize the benefit of my drive and understand that because of my passion, I will always be the right person for the job. And if they do not understand my theories and decide to replace me with one of my "students", then obviously that is not the right company for me.

I am also a manager, but I have a slightly different approach. My way is to coach and inspire people so that they can not only be productive within the company but ideally externally in the real world as well. Long live employment suicide.

What is Maslows hierachy?

As a youth worker i often have to apply maslows theory when dealing with young people, mostly i deal with level one and two, so if your higher remember that and be happy with your lot in life.

Not all youth remain in the lower two levels; there are the few that actually attain those higher levels. There are so many ignorant young people these days that the older generations often overlook those that are making it a priority to become educated and understand the world around them, as well as understand themselves. I'm barely sixteen and I can see pieces of myself in the higher levels of Maslow's hierarchy. Though the other young people around me are often too hardheaded to get any semblance of their place in the world into their heads, a few people have crossed my path that share the same desire to grow, mentally and spiritually in understanding. :)

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Graduated from Stanford 6-5-1979 ago.

Kiffin Rockwell was shot down and killed 9-23-1916 ago.

Believe it or not but I am 10-11-1957 young.

First met Thea in Balestrand, Norway 6-14-1980 ago.

Began well-balanced and healthy life style 1-8-2013 ago.

My father passed away 10-20-2000 ago.

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Started Gishtech 04-25-2016 ago.