I think that now after more than two months I am beginning to resign myself to the fact that this unemployment thing will be much more difficult to kick than I had originally expected. So what is an honorable man to do these days? Well, I will continue my active search for new and interesting jobs, but without getting overly excited and crossing my fingers all the time in the hopes that something will materialize by the next week. That only leads to frustrations and letdowns, which after awhile makes even the strongest at heart begin to question themselves and their supposed professional qualifications. In order to continue receiving my unemployment benefits (measly pittance that it is), I have to apply to a new job at least once a week. This should not be that hard, as up to now I have done much much more than that. I need to accept things as they are, relax and hope that my money does not run out too quickly. I have called up the unemployment services on a number of occasions, asking and pleading for the financial support I rightly deserve and have yet to receive. They keep apologizing and claiming that there are too many poor-soul unemployed folks like myself at the time and not enough workers there to dig through the reams of paperwork piling up. I will just have to wait and get poorer at the same time. So let's see, what next, prepare for the doghouse.
(Just to show you that there is still hope when you least expect it, about ten minutes after I finished this entry I received an email inviting me for yet another interview. Strange twists in the world in which we live.)
That's great about the new interview! Interviews have been few and far between for me, one in six months. I am even trying for a job at half my last salary as an intern doing photography and marketing! Good luck and keep us posted!
By the way, in the US getting Unemployment checks is as easy as submitting an application on the web and sending proof of trying to find a job, every two weeks. It helps pay the bills but it won's last forever!!
Wish getting compensation here was as easy as in the States, but unfortunately European folks still remain embroidered in endless bureaucracy and waiting forever. Yeah, it helps pay the bills, but when the heck are they going to send me the Euros I need now? Just be patient, they keep telling me.