In order to start a successful business in The Netherlands, it is a definite advantage to be familiar with the terminology. I am not exaggerating when I say that I have collected quite a new arsenal of words in the last couple of months. So many new and interesting words, like these:
Begroting - budget. Acquisitie - acquisition. Auteursrecht - copyright. Algemene voorwaarden - general conditions. Offerte - quotation, offer. Markt afbakenen - stake out the market. Onderneming - undertaking, enterprise, venture. Kosten - costs. Risico's - risks. Markt verwerven - win over the market. Boekhouding - bookkeeping. Aaskever - carrion-beetle. Beroepsaansprakelijkheidsverzekering - professional liability insurance. Niet geschoten is altijd mis - not shot is always miss.
The words seem similar, but it must keep you on your toes!!! Thanks for the lesson...
Aaskever? Why would you need that word?
Also known as silpha americanus, the carrion-beetle feeds on dead animals. These adorable little critters are typically found in decaying animal carcasses and are very attractively colored, although their feeding habit is repulsive. Does that help?