There is this truly amazing blog survey out there, and it is called Why is it that we blog and what do we understand about the blogging process?
Simple, powerful, down-to-earth and to the point. Completing the survey should take no more than 10 minutes (or less) of your valuable time.
I encourage every true-blue blog author out there to take part in this survey so we can help Roy Hornsby conduct research for his honours thesis at Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.
I took part and I was glad I did. For more information, check out a research weblog about weblogging.
Perhaps it might also be interesting to include a survey for those kind folks out there who actually "just read" blogs for their own late night entertainment (excluding actual blog authors that is).
Lots of luck Roy!
Hi Kiffin.
Thanks very much for publicising my blogging survey on your blog. For that I am really grateful.
For the kind words however, I am speechless. Hopefully the results will prove to be worth the effort.
I really like the layout and design of your blog by the way. Now I need to get time to browse your archives.
Cheers - Roy Hornsby
No problem, Roy. You deserve it.