Believe it or not, you can look twenty years younger within five days. The question though is the following: is that really what you want?
I was seriously considering taking advantage of this unique offer which I discovered quite by accident in my email in-box. Their many claims that years of scientific research had resulted in this amazing breakthrough seemed convincing enough for me. And then of course the before-and-after pictures were beyond belief.
To top it all off, this offer was absolutely free, and with a money-back guarantee!
However, upon closer introspection I realized that perhaps this looking twenty-years younger thing would not be the best approach for me. I wasn't that old now was I?
I could see it before my eyes.
This guy would walk into work and everyone would look at him in complete amazement. This guy would be me. The kind fellow colleagues would raise their heads, look in my direction and wonder to themselves and out loud: Who is this kid?
Looking younger is not all of what it's cut out to be.