Fish tycoon

| Computers and stuff | 55 Comments

Alright so I decide to purchase this game called Fish Tycoon for my new PDA in order to help pass my time while sitting in the train.

The only problem is that I cannot figure it out. But I am not that dumb I thought.

Why are my fish dying? How come the pregnant fish never give birth? Why isn't anyone buying my fish?

Just a few questions I will have to figure out in the coming days.


If you send me the registration code I will explain how to keep them alive and how to sell. I have the trial version and need the reg code. One hint move preferences too fast and you have to notice which breeds are healthy at birth. I have sold 120 fish on the trial version and it is hard as hell to keep them alive

You must be kidding. Buy the game first.

Fish die easily without environmental upgrades. once you upgrade to the full (2 levels), all 400 or more species will be available. food upgrades will keep your fish well fed also.
As for selling, try golden goldbulbs which you can sell up to 40 or 50, until you have discovered magical breeds to sell at even 400.
I think only one magical fish is available in trial version, so far only discovered 4 types on my full version.

Ok let me let you guys know something.
1.I have found two Magic types(fish of substanance and fish of fertility) in the trial version. I could tell you the combo's that create them(for the code)
2.I have upgraded to level three food
3.The goldglub is a good fish but the fish of substanance sells for 54 and you can bred 4-5 times before selling them close to death
4.You are right somewhat without envioment upgrades it is difficult to keep new fish alive BUT it is mainly Hybrid- Hybrid 2nd generation where you get the problem.
6.To make big money when you find expensive breeds, bred them only. Keep em pregnant and sell the parents after 4 breeds, sell the kids at will. You can ALWAYS start from scratch by buying eggs.
7.Here are my stats
Real Hours played 484
Units of food given 453
fish trashed 255
Fish Cured 3
Fish Sold 326
Avg Price/fish 15
Money Earned 5137
Money Spent 4340
Spcies Discovered 81 (Trial Version)
Magic Fish found 2 of 7

I will trade Fish tycoon for other pda games or applications.

I'll give you the 5 magic fish types for nothing. Put a email address here and I'll send them. The reason for that- wouldn't want to wreck the game for anyone wanting to work it out themselves.

So far- played 120 hours, Units food 83, fish trashed 85, fish cured 13, fish sold 618, av price 36, money earned 22494 money spent 21870 species discovered 132 magic fish found 5

Are you serious? Why even buy the game in the first place and then ask the get all the magic fish for nothing?

i could use some fish for fish tycoon....please help me out

this is garbage whats with that stupid music that keeps playing...what does it mean!

this is garbage whats with that stupid music that keeps playing...what does it mean!

hi stueysnail can u send me the magic fish too? my email is thnks

Don't panic. I play the demo too and I don't have problems giving birth to my pregant fishes, breed them or sell them. Sure it's more difficult baut not impossible.
If you want to keep your young fishes alive there are few solutions. The only rule is to be patient.
First Buy an aeration system by selling your first babies. That increase oxygen in your tank. Otherwise, try to sell a lot of cheap fishes to make money and then buy Food Research. The level 2 make your babies stronger. Warning! When you have dead fishes in your tank, delete them as soon as you see one. Leaving dead fishes in your tank will increase diseases. In order to sell them fast without loosing to much money, just increase your fish value of 1 or 2$. When you are in your store, wait 1 minute or two. If nobody buy your fishes, they cost too high. decrease 1$ step by step until the price seems enough for customers. Some fishes are very hard to sell (Twin-Fin Sharks or LeafSpin Fishes) but you can create very cool fishes breeding them and sell them near 40$!!
Try to keep your first fishes as longer as you can. They will help you to create new species.
Have a good time!

Hey, I never knew that dead fish increased disease in the tank. Nor was I aware of the fact that certain types of fish are harder to sell than others. Thanks for the tips.

I have purchased everything possible in the game. I have found 5 of 7 (Mutation, Growth, Sustenance, Health, and Curing). My stats are

Real Hours Played: 92
Units of Food Given: 466
Fish Trashed: 116
Fish Cured: 12
Fish Sold: 447
Avg Price/Fish: 44
Money Earned: 20014
Money Spent: 12430
Species Discovered: 168
Magic Fish Found: 5 of 7

My best strategy so far is to take the magic fish of growth and breed the heck out of it.. Since it makes the babies grow fast you can sell them quicker. Even with level one advertising and no ornaments in your tank you can pull in 150 easy. The trick is to put it in the sell room and just leave it alone. I sold 18 in one go. There were 8 people in my store and they bought every single fish in less than 5 minutes. (disable screen off BTW) Anyway, I cannot find the right combination to create my final two magic fish. Anyone have any ideas? I don't even know what the two I am missing are called or what their bodies resemble, that would make it easier. Thanks!

I'm still on the trial and have 2 Magic breeds (fertility and sustenance), both selling for 100 now
95 hrs
33 trashed
168 sold
8909 earned
36 species

RE: Rapidly Dying Fish If you're breeding exotic fish (3rd and 4th generation mixes) and find they're dying just after adult stage... Throw them into the isolation tank, impregnate them with like the same breed, set the price to something like 300, then throw them into the selling tank, as long as you stay in the shop they will stay alive, they won't be sold because nobody will pay those prices for them, once they're pure breed, they don't tend to die as quickly is a small page I'm gradually building up as a reference - It's not a game spoiler since you have to get a certain way to have access to the fish in that, but it'll save a little time. I plan on giving it the ability to take submissions from users - which is why some of the bs is in there...

i dont know how 2 install can u plz tell me how 2 add fish 2 game

I have also found the Fertility and Sustenance fishes in the trial version. Anyone know if it's possible to find others before buying the game. I want to see how far I can stretch the trial before upgrading.
I have about 70 species so far.

Please send magic fish

I too have found "Sustenance" and "Fertility" (and about 80 non-magical ones). Do any of you know if it's possible to find others in the trial version? I like the game and will probably upgrade eventually but for now I'm enjoying the challenge of seeing how far I can push the trial.

This is the list so far I have for the combinations of Magical Fish. I will be updating the list. Please do contribute.

#1. Greenfin Spotanus- Magical Fish of Fertility
Twin-Fin Spotanus + Spined Spotanus

#2. Speckled Leaffish - Magical Fish of Sustenance
Stubby Pigmy + Greenfin Comet
Orange Stickfish + Twin-Fin Beta
Orange Spotanus + Twin-Fin Fruitfish
Crimson Comet + Flagged Bananafish
Oriental Goldbulb + Finless Quicksilver
Spined Fruitfish + greenfin Spotanus
Orange Grouper + Twin-Fin Beta

#3. Crimson Comet - Magical Fish of Curing
Speckled Stickfish + Orange Goldbulb
Oriental Fruitfish + Speckled Carp
Speckled Stickfish + Oriental Goldbulb
Orange Fatfish + Speckled Leaffish
Crimson Leaffish + Crimson Fruitfish
Pink Beta + Flagged Gold Shark
Greenfin Leaffish + Hornet Flashfish
Twin-Fin Beta + Wasp Goldshark
Twin-Fin Pigmy + Wasp Goldshark
Oriental Goldbulb + Speckled Grouper

#4. Oriental Goldbulb - Magical Fish of Growth
Crimson Comet + Orange Goldbulb
Spined Leaffish + Wasp Gold Shark
Speckled Leaffish + Snubbed Fire-Arrow
Golden Goldbulb + Orange Goldbulb
Speckled Leaffish + Pink Goldshark
Greenfin Leaffish + Fanned Fire-Arrow
Flagged Leaffish + Tiger Goldshark
Crimson Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Spined Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Canary Goldshark + Spined Carp

#5. Orange Snooper - Magical Fish of Health
Fanned Stickfish + Stubby Fruitfish
Golden Arrowfish + Canary Fruitfish
Orange Fruitfish + Orange Snout

#6. Wasp Grouper - Magical Fish of Mutation
Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Pigmy
Orange Beta + Pink Comet
Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Beta

#7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola
Crimson Comet + Fanned Fatfish
Golden snooper + Canary Fatfish
Orange Snooper + Hornet Flashfish
Tiger Stickfish + Speckled Arrowfish
Orange Fruitfish + Canary Fire-Arrow

Does anybody know what the "unknown chemical" does? I tried it once, rather early in the game, and it didn't seem to do anything, but I only had a few fish and not much variety back then.

Speckled Stickfish + Speckled Beta = Speckled Leaffish ( magic fish of sustanance)


#1. Greenfin Spotanus- Magical Fish of Fertility

Twin-Fin Spotanus + Spined Spotanus

#2. Speckled Leaffish - Magical Fish of Sustenance

Stubby Pigmy + Greenfin Comet
Orange Stickfish + Twin-Fin Beta
Orange Spotanus + Twin-Fin Fruitfish
Crimson Comet + Flagged Bananafish
Oriental Goldbulb + Finless Quicksilver
Spined Fruitfish + greenfin Spotanus
Orange Grouper + Twin-Fin Beta

#3. Crimson Comet - Magical Fish of Curing

Speckled Stickfish + Orange Goldbulb
Oriental Fruitfish + Speckled Carp
Speckled Stickfish + Oriental Goldbulb
Orange Fatfish + Speckled Leaffish
Crimson Leaffish + Crimson Fruitfish
Pink Beta + Flagged Gold Shark
Greenfin Leaffish + Hornet Flashfish
Twin-Fin Beta + Wasp Goldshark
Twin-Fin Pigmy + Wasp Goldshark
Oriental Goldbulb + Speckled Grouper

#4. Oriental Goldbulb - Magical Fish of Growth

Crimson Comet + Orange Goldbulb
Spined Leaffish + Wasp Gold Shark
Speckled Leaffish + Snubbed Fire-Arrow
Golden Goldbulb + Orange Goldbulb
Speckled Leaffish + Pink Goldshark
Greenfin Leaffish + Fanned Fire-Arrow
Flagged Leaffish + Tiger Goldshark
Crimson Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Spined Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Canary Goldshark + Spined Carp

#5. Orange Snooper - Magical Fish of Health

Fanned Stickfish + Stubby Fruitfish
Golden Arrowfish + Canary Fruitfish
Orange Fruitfish + Orange Snout

#6. Wasp Grouper - Magical Fish of Mutation

Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Pigmy
Orange Beta + Pink Comet
Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Beta

#7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola

Crimson Comet + Fanned Fatfish
Golden snooper + Canary Fatfish
Orange Snooper + Hornet Flashfish
Tiger Stickfish + Speckled Arrowfish
Orange Fruitfish + Canary Fire-Arrow

hi i have been playing the demo and have found 7 diffrent type of fish no almost all the way to get most magic fish i no how to raise money quick and how to breed fish that you can sell 4 200 all i need in exchange is the code to swap xx

Does anyone know what it means when the music briefly comes on?

when the music comes on it means your fish are getting older.. and your fish dont die of old age.

what deos unkown chemical do?

The unknown chemical changes the fish into something new. You have 21 different kinds of fish and 21 different fin types. When your fish are grown put the unknown chemical into that tank and I actually ended up with magical fish #7.

umm... some of my fish are like, grey and their names r pink banana fish and golden banana fish. y r they grey if there supoose to be pink and gold??

Because they're dead I think.

i play the demo because i can't download it for macs which is crap!!
i sell my fish for 999 each!!
if you get the shell and weird stick thing the fish sell for any amount of money!!
don't think you can sell them for over 1000 tho.
ive earned over 45000!

I have the demo and i have found that if you go to the main menu and press the windows key the screen will minimize and you can they put the clock forward on the computer this will save waiting around for fish to be born or grow. this will not efeect the time left on the demo.

Please help me my baby fishes keep dying tell me how to keep them alive.

dose any 1 kno how to make the normal fish like Speckled Stickfish or some thing that will help us get the magic fish?

spined beta = spined spontanus & spined stickfish 13$
i'm not very far
wish i had the full game :(

How do I get a tiger version of a fish? I think I have had every other type.


i have a see through kind of black baby fish what is it?

I have found 404 of the 421 fish
all 7 magic fish
just research everything and breed a lot of the canary fire-arrows they sell for $300 each

How long does it take a fish to grow up?

And how long does it take for a pregnant fish to give birth?

How do you make a Pink Beta or Pink COmet??

For those who want to know if you can get the other 5 magic fish on the internet version:no. Your other 5 Magic fish will die if you don't maximize your Fish Enviroment Research which you can't do on the internet version. I'd also like to know:how do you get an Orange Snout? I want to breed my Orange Fruitfish with an Orange Snout to get an Orange Snooper (Magical Fish #5), but I don't have an orange snout. Also, how do you get ANY of the fish that breed to make a Canary Fire-Arrow?!

there are 20 different fishes with 20 different names for the fishname
names fishes
1.Golden Fruitfish
2.Crimson Leaffish
3.Wasp Grouper
4.Flagged Goldbulb
5.Oriental Carp
6.Canary Spotanus
7.Speckled Fatfish
8.Greenfin Arrowfish
9.Great-Sail Catfish
10.Spined Fire-Arrow
11.Orange Bananafish
12.Razorback Shark
13.Pink Flashfish
14.Twin-Fin Snooper
15.Stubby Beta
16.snubbed Pigmy
17.silky Hornet
18. Stickfish
19. Snout

together there are 400 possibilities to combinate these fishes

I play the demo and I have over $1462109999+. How did I get this? On the demo you can sell your fish for $9999999. Just to let you know. Then your fish never die and you can buy tons of new eggs and hormone enhancer. Good luck all!

hey can some1 tell me a good fish breed thats easy to care for and sell? and waht fish i need to make em?

I sold a twin fin fruit fish for $200! Try it and you will get quick money.

I had a demo version & sold my fish for over a 1,000 now i have the full version & can barely sale them at 5.00?? any suggestions?

one of the people were talking about having the shell and the stick thing and if you had those you would be able to sell your fish for as much money as you want. does anyone know what the "stick thing" was. i already have the shell...thank you.

can someone tell me what the "stick thing" someone was talking about to make you able to sell your fish as much as you want.the person said that you need the shell(which i have) and the "stick thing" anyone?

the "stick thing" is the pagoda ornament, sorry couldnt remeber what its was called!

if you find dead fish in your tank you should reserch fish enviroment and if your fish are getting really hungry reserchfood enviroment or if your fifh are not selling reserch avetisment

i play the online version and got all magic fish. Nothing happened tho :\

also the pagoda and the snail thing really do work. I sold things for more than 999. if you keep pressing 9 it will keep going and it will say 1e+16 and keeps going on up. I have $2e+28.
I also found a way to get the parents to give birth really fast(make sure u have a lot of money or it will be hard to do this). When there is a pregnant fish, you get the growth purple stuff and use it. use 3 doses then get another one and use those three doses. The baby fish will appear in the upper left corner full grown. you may need to use 3 more doses though. As i said before this worked on my computer and it might not work on yours so don't be mad if it doesn't work.

hi i play the online game. i have done and bought everything the only thing i need is the orange snooper can anyone help????

For anyone who would like, I've compiled a list of all the fish (both family and breeds) as well as two matrices that show you how to make any type of breed or family.

For example, if you have a Greenfin Spotanus and a Stubby Stickfish:

Greenfin (anything) mated with Stubby (anything) = Speckled
(anything) Spotanus mated with (anything) Stickfish = Beta

So the end result would be a Speckled Beta.

It's all done in abbreviation (to save space in each matrix), so you'll need both of the first two files to understand the abbreviations.

Here's how it works:

Find the one "parent" fish along the side and find the other "parent" fish along the top. The offspring result is displayed where the column and row intersect.

The third file is a diagram of how to breed all seven magical fish. It's not perfected to be the shortest possible breeding, but it's pretty effecient; about six generations to all seven magical fish.

Hope you find it useful.

1. Family and Breed Matrix -

2. Fish Abbreviations -

3. Magical Fish Breeding Diagram -

Feel free to send hate-mail to :0)

how do you make a pink beta on fish tycoon ?

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