Unplugged train

| Travel

The click woke up the darkened morning as if someone had inadvertently unplugged the vacuum cleaner.

As the train glided onwards without power, there was complete silence, and it took the good part of three minutes before we came to a complete stop. The laws of physics, the immense mass coupled with the initial velocity, together with a carriage full of eyes averting every which way.

The person in the seat next to me even mumbled, "someone just pulled the plug," like he was being clever or something. Ha ha. The echo of his chuckle downed down quickly as we all quickly realized that there was something serious going on.

When they announced that there was a technical problem, I knew right then and there that it would be a long morning.

We were stuck in the middle of some endless field smack dab between Woerden and Breukelen, and they had to come save our lives with another train engine.

As it saddled up next to us there was a big bang. All the passengers jerked suddenly in unison, almost to the whiplash extreme. We were then pushed (or pulled for all I could tell) along to the next train station. There we go again.

My life was saved once more, and I could continue from there to my work. No use getting the Monday morning blues about it for nothing. In fact it was a curious adventure symbolizing the unpredictable nature of this upcoming week.

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Golf Handicap


This personal weblog was started way back on July 21, 2001 which means that it is 7-21-2001 old.

So far this blog contains no less than 2531 entries and as many as 1877 comments.

Important events

Graduated from Stanford 6-5-1979 ago.

Kiffin Rockwell was shot down and killed 9-23-1916 ago.

Believe it or not but I am 10-11-1957 young.

First met Thea in Balestrand, Norway 6-14-1980 ago.

Began well-balanced and healthy life style 1-8-2013 ago.

My father passed away 10-20-2000 ago.

My mother passed away 3-27-2018 ago.

Started Gishtech 04-25-2016 ago.