"As the demand for voice, data and video applications increase, delivering higher bandwidth, lower cost and value-added services to the users becomes a major challenge to Internet Service Providers. Today, a brand new type of competition is emerging: Voice over IP (VoIP) has become the killer application for ISP to challenge established telecom operators. This not only means huge saving of communication cost to users, but also helps service providers to generate new revenue, new subscribers, and even gain a stronger position in the shuffling new market..."
Got my ZyXEL P-2602H-63/63C ADSL 2+ VoIP IAD1 over ISDN plugged in, installed and up-and-running in no time. Never thought it would be no hassle at all. Just tossed my current modem overboard, hooked in the new one, fiddled with a couple settings, and there it was.
This modem is known as a so-called Voice/Data Integrated Access Solution for Residential Users, including the following features:
- ADSL, ADSL2/2+ support
- SIP (RFC3261) Support with 2 phone ports for VoIP
- Support QoS to prioritize voice and data traffics
- Auto Provisioning for easy deployment
Telephone calling over the Internet could not be easier. So far the quality seems almost if not just as good as fixed line, even when the kids are chatting away with MSN Messenger and/or playing Battlefield 2 online.
1 Oh yeah, IAD stands for Integrated Access Device (in case you were wondering).