For awhile now, I have been wondering how difficult it would be to setup my very own MySQL Cluster on my home network? As it turns out, this morning when I woke up, I immediately sat upright in my bed and knew for sure what I had to do.
You see, the only way to really find out would be to try it myself. Roll up the old sleeves and immerse oneself in the technology so to say.
Downstairs I've got a couple spare FreeBSD machines lying around with memory to spare. Although I just have a plain-vanilla standard 100 Mbps Ethernet network (which is the minimum requirement according to the documentation though probably too slow), it should do the trick. Hopefully, that is.
For the management node, I can just use my laptop which once the cluster is up and running alright I can switch off and use for other things as required.
For those of you interested, I will chronicle my challenging endeavor as it unfolds, hopefully captivating my audience and even attracting droves of new curious readers. If in the long run I have been able to convert even one soul out there to the wonderful world called MySQL, then I will have been successful in more ways than one.
Here are some references for those wanting to know more:
By default the ndb cluster stuff is not built along with the mysql50-server makefile. Therefore, it is necessary to rebuild it by including the ndb flag, e.g. 'make -DWITH_NDB install clean'.