Although it turned out to be a chaotic situation with so many trains running behind schedule, I was pleased when the train I thought was mine finally arrived and opened its doors in front of me. I jumped inside and easily found an unoccupied seat. Sure seemed more quiet than usual but no matter. What I didn't notice was how everyone got out at the next stop and I was the last one left. No matter can happen so what. So I nodded off feeling confident that I would soon reach my destination as usual. When I woke up it was a whole different story. There I was alone in an empty train carriage stopped and completely motionless in the middle of nowhere (endless meadows on both sides filled with cows and water and other rustic objects) and not a single living soul around.

This is just too weird to imagine like some kind of horror film - what next? Stuck there for thirty minutes ready to pull the emergency chord, but first I have to break the glass, not really something I want to do. Let's not panic and just see what happens. And then before I realize it after a slight shaking and steam coming out of the side, the train heads back to the previous stop. I have been saved, there is hope. Get out of the train and wait until I can retain the original direction I was meant to follow but now in a slightly different slice of time. Made it to work (slightly late), did alot, and now I am back home writing about this interesting adventure and then life goes on as if nothing ever happened.