I think that I've finally solved my problem of always pulling the ball to the left, sometimes even duck hooking it.
The so-called solution seems easy enough: stand with the ball slightly further back, take a slow back swing slightly touching the grass as long as possible, and hit more down onto the ball without forgetting to follow through high and towards the target.
After hitting several buckets of balls practicing this technique, I noticed that in addition to hitting the ball straighter, I gained more distance when I turned more with my torso during the back swing without exaggerating the movement too much.
Doing this consistently is not easy, but that's where a strong and confident mind comes into play.
Since a few weeks a have the same problem with my golf game. Thanks for your tip I will try it the coming weeks.
Well there's no guarantee that what seems to help me will also improve your game. Each person has his own idiosyncrasies that need straightening out once in awhile. Actually, just changing your stance slightly could help alot. Good luck and hope to play golf with you again in the not so distant future.