Winter time

| Golf

Now that winter time has started, it's much lighter in the morning, but the early darkness is killing for the fun-loving afternoon golfers like me.

The low lying sun makes it impossible to follow the ball, and with so many leaves everywhere, even the most perfect drive down the middle of the fairway can disappear forever underneath the right-sized leaf which engulfs the unknowing little white sphere at the last moment.

So you hit a mighty drive and your first reaction is, "Felt pretty good, maybe a slight draw, did anyone see where it went?" Slight pause and shaking heads from my two fellow players, "Nopes, didn't see it, could've gone anywhere..."

That's when you are thankful upon reaching the eighteenth hole that you still have one ball left to make the final putt of the day, right at the moment when the skies darken even more quickly than you can finish the hole.

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Golf Handicap


This personal weblog was started way back on July 21, 2001 which means that it is 7-21-2001 old.

So far this blog contains no less than 2531 entries and as many as 1877 comments.

Important events

Graduated from Stanford 6-5-1979 ago.

Kiffin Rockwell was shot down and killed 9-23-1916 ago.

Believe it or not but I am 10-11-1957 young.

First met Thea in Balestrand, Norway 6-14-1980 ago.

Began well-balanced and healthy life style 1-8-2013 ago.

My father passed away 10-20-2000 ago.

My mother passed away 3-27-2018 ago.

Started Gishtech 04-25-2016 ago.