Remember when the Netscape Navigator first went public and how much in awe you were with such an amazing feat of new technology?
At the time it was the most advanced web browser around and for me it's appearance in my life became an instant eye-opener.
That's when I started to become addicted to HTML, reading those cryptic specifications, and then taking the high ideals of sharing information openly to heart, being able to make a difference on your own.
When I learned about this new-fangled markup language, I tried it out myself. Low and behold, I could point my browser to the local file and it worked effortlessly. Better yet, I could even put it on a remote server, give it an url, and allow my family and friends to view it also.
Pictures of the kids so my mother could see them, some boring pieces of poetry I had written or an interesting blob explaining what I had done that day.
Just when things were becoming bright and dandy, that's when Microsoft came along and dashed things, party-pooper.
That was a little over fifteen years ago, and Internet technology has become alot more complicated since those naive days of yore.