Normally when I'm having my daily run along those flat and endless meadows which are so typical of the Dutch countryside, I don't think about that much. My brain is on auto-pilot and most of my thoughts either lull just beneath the surface of my consciousness or even disappear altogether.
This afternoon was a little different, though. I kept on thinking about this animated video I'd seen earlier that day. It was called The Divided Brain, and it was packed full of these amazing ideas which struck me.
In particular, there was this one repeating theme about how we need to be more passionate about the right hemisphere and the need to return what that knows to a broader context, which kept roaming around inside of my head.
These were the final words of that video which upon first hearing it rung so very true and then kept on going around and around in my head:
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We've created a society that honors the servant but has forgotten the gift."
Over and over again, and then I was back home huffing and puffing at the back door.